pdeez musky inlines


Ever thought of catching a big toothy critter on your FAV SPORTALUMNI or COMPANY colours? Well, apparently no one else has...........until now! 

pdeezmuskyinlines.com will build your FAV custom pattern in any one of our proven big fish catching models.  

HOW TO ORDER: Use the top drop-down menu to select desired pattern from the current selection. Add to cart. Continue through to checkout when complete. All other requests must be custom ordered.

Periodical updates will reflect new additions.

If you do not see a desired pattern or simply wish to order via phone 613-715-0266, fax 613-830-9163 or emailpdeezmuskyinlines@gmail.com the option is yours 

FAV SPORT, ALUMNI & CO. colours make great gift ideas, not just for musky anglers but for any angler or theme enthusiast!

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