It takes a team of great people to make great things happen! Without the influence and help of everyone mentioned here all of this would not be our reality.......
Jim Quillan
Here's "Quilly" with his personal best that I had the privilege of netting & taking this amazing picture of him thanking the musky gods! Jim has quietly played various roles of influence from the early beginnings through to today. He is 50% responsible for my musky obsession and the inspiration behind "mangala" the lure by started it all. Jim's time on the water has severely diminished as a result of his new interest in photography, which can be seen on our Product Pages and throughout this store. Along with his partner Kamie Derouin they commanded the PDeez product photo shoot and everyone who has seen these beautiful photos agrees that you both are amazing photographers! Thank you for your expertise, influence and friendship!
Sean Hanrahan
Sean is the other culprit responsible for my musky obsession. Here he's pictured with an upper Ottawa giant which just like Jim's fish above was caught & released way before PDeez ever existed. I also had the privilege of netting this beast! This was the first time I was ever up close and personal with a musky of that caliber! Over the years we had some great outings together, but as life would have it Sean became one of the top marine mechanics in the Valley. He is in such high demand that he has little time to fish. We do however still manage to get out together on occasion and I am confident there will be a PDeez giant in our future. Thank you for introducing me to muskies, sharing your wisdom, keeping me on the water and your friendship!
Christopher & Patricia Dodge - eCommerce design & consultants
Have you ever had an unexpected stranger come into your life and have a profound influence on it? I believe this is the second time it's happened in my lifetime! Just when I'm trying to get PDeez off the ground and had no idea who to contact for advice, Chris & Patricia unexpectedly offered their assistance. You see, our dogs play together in the neighborhood park. One day I happened to mention my idea in conversation with Patricia and the rest is history! All I can say is that Chris is just as hardcore for e-commerce as I am hardcore for musky! Words cannot express the gratitude we feel for everything you both have done for us so far. Thank you so much!
Colin Gosse - PRO STAFF
We are happy to announce that a long time friend and very prominent "Lac Seul Guide" has officially become part of the PDeez PRO STAFF team!
Lac Seul in Northwestern Ontario is a superb musky fishery and one of its best musky anglers is professional guide Colin Gosse. Colin's professional career has spanned well over two decades on Lac Seul and surrounding waters as a mutli-species specialist, however, musky have always reined supreme making angler's dreams of giant fish come true. He has guided his clients to countless trophy muskies over 50 inches in length. We are proud and privileged to announce that Colin is now waving the PDeez banner on this magnificent water system. If you ask Colin how to describe himself his answer is simple and honest, "fishing is my calling in life" thanks in part to an amazing and supportive family. Ask him about PDeez in-lines and you get the same straight forward candour, “PDeez in-lines are changing the game of musky fishing for the better”. What makes this appointment extra special is the friendship we've maintained all these years. Welcome aboard, Colin. Thank you for becoming part of the PDeez family!
Rob Jackson is one of Ontario’s most prolific multi-species experts. As a guide and year-round angler, his knowledge spans a variety of species. He regularly targets panfish, smallmouth and largemouth bass, pike, muskie, walleye, carp, gar, various trout, and salmon. His affinity to share his angling exploits and on-the-water learning has made him one of Ontario’s top online personalities. You can follow along as his season progresses at his website:
Rob will now be waving the PDeez banner around numerous bodies of water throughout Ontario hunting for the elusive muskellunge. Everyone at PDeez is very proud and honoured in having you join our elite team of pro staff! Thank you for your support of our products and welcome to the family!

Andy Pappas caught his first muskies on Ontario’s Lake Nipissing and concentrated on world-famous Georgian Bay for the first ten years of his chasing them. He then moved on to try a variety of other muskie waters around the province, from the Niagara River to the Haliburton Highlands, and from the Kawartha Lakes to the Ottawa River. He’s been catching muskies for over 30 years, but is now back to focusing all his effort on the French River area - where its not just the fish, but also the fishing! The beautiful and interesting waters Andy targets offer a wide variety of options – from huge lakes to small creeks, from shallow and fertile to deep and clear, and from easy access to remote. In 2007 Andy started Vicious Fishes Guide Service (VFGS) and has been providing memorable fishing adventures for anglers and corporate groups ever since. Taking full advantage of the wide variety of opportunities in the French River area, VFGS offers customized fishing trips based on each client’s personal criteria for an excellent muskie fishing experience. Numbers or giants, topwaters, fly-fishing, or trolling – whatever you’re looking for in a muskie fishing trip, VFGS can deliver! Countless hours spent on his waterbodies in every season and every possible weather condition allow Andy to increase the client’s odds for success by dialing them in to proven locations and presentations based on experience.
Not satisfied to just help clients enjoy Ontario’s great muskie fishing, Andy has also invested a lot of effort in protecting the fishery and making it even better. He’s taken part in negotiations with various stakeholders to win positive regulation changes, promoted proper catch-and-release techniques in presentations to fishing clubs, and participated in rehabilitation projects. He’s also been very active in Canada’s primary proponent of responsible management of the fishery, Muskies Canada Inc, and was named to the organization’s Hall Of Fame in 2013.
Over the years Andy has shared some his perspectives on muskie fishing with various print media on many occasions, and in 2014 VFGS made its TV debut with the airing of a full episode of The New Flyfisher on WFN. If you think muskies can be challenging enough on conventional tackle, try being successful with them on fly-fishing tackle! Filmed in just 3 days’ worth of fishing, the informative episode builds to a big fish climax with some of the best muskies-on-the-fly action ever seen on TV!
Welcome aboard Andy, we are very proud to have you on the team!
For more information on muskie and pike fishing in the French River area with Andy Pappas of Vicious Fishes Guide Service, visit the VFGS website at

If you would like to book that musky hunt of a lifetime on Lac Seul with a world renowned musky guide, contact Ben at or
Jonathan has been fishing ever since he was two years of age and developed an extreme passion for it while growing up. Over the past twenty years he has become a very accomplished multi-species angler with a severe addiction to musky hunting! As a prominent angler and guide in and around the Montreal area he has been accredited with more than 1000 muskies in the boat for himself and guests with at least 200 over that magic 50" mark. However, the hunt never stops in the hopes of shattering his clients and own personal bests.
Jonathan is a huge proponent of catch and release of all species and educates his friends and guests to ensure survival of the resource for generations to come. As a guide he has had the opportunity to participate in several Quebec television shows such as Chassomaniak and Quebec Vacances Nature, along with informational videos for the Federation Quebecoises des Chasseurs et Pecheurs.
Jonathan is a proud pro staffer for Fray n' Release, St. Croix Rods and is now the latest addition to the PDeez pro staff family!
Jonathan, welcome to the team! Everyone at PDeez Musky Inlines is honoured to have you. Thank you!
If anyone is interested in getting out on some of the most amazing musky waters with a world class guide, please contact Jonathan at Les excursions MUSKY Sessions or and book that musky hunt of a lifetime!
Cole has been a huge proponent of our products since 2013 and brings with him many years of musky experience in his young life. By trade he is an aspiring electrician that devotes some of his weekday evenings and weekends to putting people on musky! We are very pleased to announce the additon of Cole Scissons, owner/operator of XMX - Extreme Muskie Experience to the PDeez pro staff team!
In our opinion Cole is one of the hottest young sticks in the Ottawa area! A person of sound character and integrity that always puts the well being of musky and his guests first! During the warm water period last season he cancelled, rescheduled bookings or simply took his guests walleye fishing as to not endanger the lives of any musky.
That is the kind of people all our pro staffers are and Cole perfectly fits into the PDeez Musky Inlines scheme of things! We are looking forward to our bright future together and we are proud and very honoured to have you join the team!
Thank you for becoming a part of the PDeez family!
If you would like to book a great day out on the water chasing musky with Cole, please contact him via the XMX link above. Thanks!
Derek Seguin Jamie Archambault Josee Carriere Christian Crete
Derek & Jamie were the very first in 2011 to field test our baits. Along with a friend they had an epic early spring day on the river that year. The boy's contacted seven fish and boated four, two of which were the largest of the day ( 51" & 50") and happened to come on PDeez BIG TENS. Two of the three missed or dropped fish were also a direct result of contact with our lures. And so it began!
Christian & Josee started using our baits in 2014 and had a stellar year on the water, winning the MCI outing in Ottawa and since we have become good friends and fishing buddies! Christian also went on to win the first MCI Ottawa outing in 2015 & 2016 on the same PDeez "herring 2.0" LSG MISSILE! Wow, now that's impressive!
All of Josee's personal best muskies have come on PDeez. In 2015 at 8.5 months pregnant with first son Daxton, she is pictured here with what many believe to be one of the all time best musky pictures ever taken with her new personal best 51" Ottawa River monster! You go girl!
Luc Vezina and I have become good friends/musky hunting partners since 2012 and have shared many adventures since. On our first outing in 2015 on the Rideau River, he caught and released the first ever musky on a brand new PDeez buzz bait called the "clikbustr" that happened to be this beautiful 50" tank pictured here! Way to go Luc!
Montreal boy David Pare has become a good friend since 2014 and huge proponent of PDeez products. Dave and his hunting partners have since had tremendous luck with our baits, catching numerous fish with many giants in the mix! Outstanding fellas!
Thank you guy's & gals for your continued support and friendship!
Luc Vezina David Pare
Now I would like to introduce you to the PDeez models, Audra & Loyd, who just happen to be the most important people in my life and take precedence over everything. Thank you for your love & support!
Finally, I would like to acknowledge all customers. Thank you for your ongoing support in all our products. If it were not for you, all this would not be possible! THANK YOU!